Saturday 12 January 2013

Proud Facts That You Should Know about BIHAR

                                                      Did you Know ???
  • Bihar has more number of Literate than Kerala and Tamil Nadu combined?
  • Bihar has more number of Graduate than Andhra Pradesh and Kerala combined?
  • More Biharis are doctors than Punjab and Gujarat combined?
  • Bihar has produced more number of IAS officer than Kerala,Karnataka, Tamil Nadu , Andhra and Gujarat combined?
  • More Biharis are bank probationary office than any other state?
  • More Biharis are in IIT compare to Maharashtra and Gujarat?
  • Murder rate in Bihar is half of murder rate in Mumbai?
  • Rape in Bihar is 1/10th of Delhi?
  • Number of people killed in Bihar in communal violence is 1/75 th of Gujarat?
  • Naxalites in Bihar have killed less people than in Andhra Pradesh?
  • Bihar produces more wheat than Punjab?
  • Bihar is only large state where no farmer committed suicide?
  • More Bihari Girls complete Graduation than Kerala

                       Thats Bihar ..spread the truth.. dont carried away with gossip.

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